Sigurd Lewerentz Sankta Gertrud, Sankta Birgitta

Source: Sigurd LewerentzPhotography: Anna & Eugeni BachLocation: Malmö, SwedenYear: 1923
Date: July 28, 2023 Category: Classic

The Malmö Eastern cemetery was inaugurated in 1921. The architect Sigurd Lewerentz dedicated a large part of his life to the Eastern Cemetery, creating a prime example of Swedish architecture and its development over time.

The ridge, Hohögsåsen, divides the cemetery into two architectural styles. South of the ridge, the architecture is strictly regular with cut hedges and form trees, while the terrain north of the ridge has invited a design with more free-growing plants and continuous lawns.
While strolling through the cemetery you will notice the chapel, the crematory, the bell tower and the lush landscape itself,  all designed by Lewerentz. However, his most famous work in the cemetery is probably the flower kiosk –  a simple concrete house where the windows are attached with black sealant that attracts. It was completed in 1965, and was Lewerentz’s last work before he passed away in 1975.


  • archipicture June 9, 2017

    impressive – very niche work by lewerentz!

  • Chilo June 5, 2017

    unforgottable Lewerentz

  • Alexandra October 7, 2014

    Dear Anna and Eugeni, I loved your post, we are discussing the flower kiosk at school and I wanted to ask you if you have the floorplans and sections in a better resolution, I can’t find the anywhere else…you would help me a lot…
    thank you in advanced,
    Alexandra (

  • 9000 June 12, 2014

    Dear Anna & Eugeni,

    Thank you so much for this post. I always wanted to see “real” photos of this wonderful projects. Thank again…


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