The Rowing High Performance Centre in Pocinho is located in one of the most beautiful and idyllic valleys in the world – the Douro valley – one of the places of choice for champions of this sport. The project is structured into three key components: Social Zone, Housing and Training.
The entire project fuses with the reinterpretation of two secular elements of landscape construction in Douro Valley: the walled terraced, a recurrent form of “inhabiting” this place, and the great white volumes of large production units, deployed along the terrain, are formally complex and diverse volumetrically.
Alvaro Andrade Rowing High Performance Centre
January 24, 2014

Other projects by Alvaro Andrade
Jo flipo…. Treinta fotos i tres linees de text… De veritat, no entenc res…. Deu ser per l’angles…. Espero….
The Building it could located in Pocinho (Régua, Portugal) as it could be located in the Korangal Valley (Afghanistan). Also, pardon me my ignorance, but if it is a rowing high performance centre, where is the river? Best Regards.
m’agradaria veure com es passeja per aquest edifici un paralític…
Esto es una cubierta “vegetal” y lo demas son tonterias! Una cubrición natural completamente justificada dejando ver aquellas partes del edificio que se han de ver.