The aim of this project is to recover the southern end of the Mallabia town centre, which has been degraded by an old open sewage treatment plant and transform it into a kind of open infrastructure, a condenser for leisure and sport that dispenses with envelopes to become a street and defend its free and intensive use.
General objectives. Holistic vision. Infrastructural rotundity. The action is linked to pragmatic radicalism, celebrating efficiency, resource optimisation and simplicity. The new Zubitegi Kirol Parkea deploys a formal radicality that seeks to facilitate the free and intensive use of its facilities. Integrative and connected intervention. The intervention starts by generating an accessible network of paths and connections that provide a new network of friendly paths for people with reduced mobility and generate a new connection network with the lower part of Mallabia and Ermua. This network of cycle paths becomes in turn an integrated experience on the layer of nature of the stream.
Inclusive and multigenerational park: Safe, friendly and kind. Well lit and without black spots, with infrastructures to carry out adapted and enriching activities and sports. Focused on generating an immersive and unique experience from the creativity of its proposals and variety of activities and uses. The project is not limited to building a series of sports infrastructures, but through its construction it recovers the margin of the Zubitegi stream, strengthens its flora and fauna and regenerates the ecosystem greatly damaged by the old water treatment plant. Sport and its infrastructures as an excuse to gain natural ground and to educate environmentally while we enjoy our leisure and physical activity.