R Architecture + Claas Architectes P + R car park

Source: R ArchitectureArchitecture: R Architecture + Claas ArchitectesPhotography: Maxime DelvauxLocation: Vertou, Nantes, FranceYear: 2020
Date: June 24, 2024

Parking 025

Six overlapping 62-meter-wide squares, wrapped in a light and sleek metal mesh, form the park-and-ride facility of the Porte de Vertou, the south-eastern entrance to the city of Nantes.

The design reflects the pure structure of the building, stripped of all artifice and decor to free up space, light and views, and embracing an aesthetics specific to its purpose.

A circular hollow space at the core of the building rises along the six floors. Two Chambord-style spiral ramps wind their way from the ground floor up to the top, creating an efficient and elegant means managing the different types of flows.

These ramps were designed to maximize parking efficiency, facilitate access to parking spaces and optimize traffic flow and minimize congestion. They also highlight the intrinsic beauty of the concrete structure in stark contrast to the exterior metal mesh.

The facades offer ever-changing perspectives as they interact with the surroundings and with the change of time along hours, days and seasons by creating a dynamic interplay of light and shades.


Parking 023

Parking 010

Parking 006

Parking 014

Vertou 011

Okamura4_ 002

Vertou 003

Vertou 009

Vertou 004

Vertou 010

Vertou 006

Parking 028

Parking 016

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