Bearth & Deplazes ÖKK-Headquarters

Date: February 9, 2018

Source: Bearth & Deplazes
Photography: Ralph Feiner, Malans

Of­fice build­ings of an in­sur­ance com­pany. Ori­ented to­wards the pub­lic in terms of ex­pres­sion and of­fer; with res­taur­ant, aud­it­or­ium, and front square. In­teg­ral, noble shell-con­struc­tion concept: facade frame and in­terior walls in ex­posed con­crete as load-bear­ing walls, max­imum per­for­a­tion with arched open­ings – the over­all sta­bil­ity just barely still en­sured. Cor­rug­ated ceil­ing ele­ments in ex­posed con­crete; everything pre­fab­ric­ated. The five stor­ies sim­ilar in­di­vidual tables, stable in and of them­selves, stacked on top of one an­other. The of­fices gen­er­ously glazed; on the peri­phery, plat­forms in­wardly open to an areaway, ju­ven­es­cent over the height of the build­ing. Hall for mul­tiple pur­poses with top light­ing.






















Landquart, Switzerland

ÖKK Landquart

Project manager:
Daniel Hoffmann / Clarissa Wacker

Civil Engineer:
Fanzun AG, Chur

Site manager:
Fanzun AG, Chur

Building Technology:
Amstein + Walthert AG, Zürich/Chur

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